Tri-Anthropo-Type Paschalidis

Γιώργος Πασχαλίδης

Η εγκαθίδρυση του φόβου πλέον, ώθησε τους ανθρώπους αντί να απολαμβάνουν, να τρέχουν και να αποθηκεύουν ώστε να έχουν για το αβέβαιο πια μέλλον. Αυτός είναι ο φόβος. Να ταξιδεύει η σκέψη, να ψάχνει στο μέλλον, και να καταλήγει να βασανίζεται για πιθανούς κινδύνους που ΘΑ προκύψουν, τους οποίους γιγαντώνει, δημιουργώντας …φαντάσματα!

Σάββατο 31 Οκτωβρίου 2015

George Paschalidis "Disclosure of the Tri Anthropo Types"
  “Sports in Greece today, seeking a vision through the science”, Mr. Paschalidis presented the results of the Tri-Anthropo-Type Paschalidis model implementation in professional sports in a dissertation with title: “The three human types and the choice of a sport based on the type”. Mr. Paschalidis presented the implementation of the Tri-Anthropo-Type Paschalidis model in sports. The model is a unique “key” for the coach in order to easily identify the sports and the positions in those sports that an athlete can have the optimal performance based on his/her type. Additionally, the coach is capable of proposing the sports that an athlete can “shine”.
George Paschalidis "Disclosure of the Tri Anthropo Types"
  In the Institute of Psychoanalysis in Moscow took place the 9th International Conference of Aerospace, Sea, Extreme and Ecological Medicine. Mr George Paschalidis presented a dissertation with title: “The Tri - Anthropo – Type Paschalidis model reveals two ways of preventing and curing illnesses: The transmission of chemical nutrients from the universe to the brain and from the brain to the cell and/or the transmission of chemical compounds from the intestine to the cell and from the cell to the brain”. In the conference, Mr Paschalidis, met again the conference’s president Mr V.D.Vlasov and the conference’s vice presidents Igor Gabbasov and Yiuri Tarasov. In the conference was given a banquet in honor of some chosen scientist and Mr George Paschalidis was one of them. They chose to honor Mr Paschalidis in order to show their gratitude to him as a Greek and researcher. During the banquet they talked about the research, precaution and cure of illnesses. The dissertation was presented in Russian by Professor Margaret. In the end of the presentation, the audience congratulated Mr Paschalidis for his research and they talk about it. Finally, many famous Universities and Research Centers ask to use the discovery of Types in order to succeed in the prevention and cure in every field of medicine.


George Paschalidis "Disclosure of the Tri Anthropo Types"
The Model makes Type-specific nutritional recommendations based on the brain function. Research in neuroscience has shown that hyperactivity of certain regions of the limbic system results in the lack of certain micronutrients and the development of certain psychological disorders. Therefore, hyperactivity of the Type-specific region of the limbic system is followed by a scarcity of manganese, magnesium and copper in Type A, B and C individuals respectively, which need to be supplemented through appropriate nutrition.
Nutrition is the key not only to weight control, but
also to the total health and well-being. Besides, it has
the power to rebalance our body the chemistry.
When a body is at a state of balance, it suffers
no complaints and no restrictions in the diet are

George Paschalidis himself remarks on this:
‘We thought that there are two ways; one of the
good and one of evil. Yet, there is a third way, that
of doubt. Few are those who follow the way of the
evil. Most of you follow the road of doubt; the worm
enters easily in you. In this way, however, you are not
on the road of the good. Cast doubt away from you”
And then he advises us: